Shaky Snek:

Shaky Snek is the classic game of snake but utilizes camera shake for a little extra flavor.

Camera shake can be accomplished in a variety of ways, I explored two. The first was to create a linear camera shake and angular camera shake and couple them together for a smooth but also jagged experience.

The second method was to implement the use of Perlin Noise to generate random signals. Unity has a built-in method for determining Perlin Noise which significantly decreases the effort required to generate a random signal. For more information on Perlin Noise you can check out the Unity Documentation here: Mathf.PerlinNoise. After generating a signal using Perlin Noise, all one needs to do now is update the camera’s local position to move with that signal! Easy-Peasy.

After exploring both options, I found that using Perlin Noise gave me the best feel to easily scale up intensity.